c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/MPO/_AgendaItems/April 2019/
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4/3/2019 2018-19 TIA Reviews List_12 Months Summary_April 2019.pdf
4/2/2019 2019 Draft LOPP_clean.pdf
4/2/2019 2019 Draft LOPP_clean_2019-04-02.xlsx
4/2/2019 2019 Draft LOPP_variance.pdf
4/2/2019 2019 Draft LOPP_variance_2019-04-02.xlsx
1/31/2019 20190204_commissioner meeting_walking audit_FINAL.pdf
4/10/2019 Action Items Tab 3 LSMPO - FY19-20 Joint Cert..pdf
2/25/2019 Action Items Tab 5 D5 LAP Policy 2019 2-13-19.pdf
4/16/2019 April 24 2019 MPO Tabs_v4.docx
4/17/2019 April 24 2019 MPO Tabs_v5.docx
4/16/2019 April 24, 2019 MPO Tabs_v2.docx
4/10/2019 Black Bear Trail Presentation_April 2019.pdf
4/23/2019 black bear trail-presentation_LSMPO_201904.mp4
4/16/2019 Committees
4/17/2019 D5 LAP Policy MPO-TPO Board Meetings.pdf
2/5/2019 East_Ave_&_Wildwood_CS_Update_20190205.pdf
4/11/2019 East_Ave_Complete_Streets_Study.pdf
4/16/2019 GIS_Scope of Work_ vFinal.pdf
4/3/2019 impact-of-future-technology-in-the-2045-lrtp-final-report-2017-06.pdf
4/16/2019 Informational Items Pooled Cash As of 2-28-19.pdf
4/16/2019 Informational Items Round Lake Road - Newsletter No. 4.pdf
4/3/2019 Ken_Kaltenbach_Miami-Dade_Future_Technology.pdf
4/10/2019 Lake-Sumter.pptx
4/17/2019 lap-brochure.pdf
4/17/2019 LOPP
4/2/2019 LSMPO_Draft LOPP - April Committee_2019-04-02.pptx
4/11/2019 LSMPO_Draft LOPP - April Taskforce_2019-04-02.pdf
4/10/2019 LSMPO_MD_Chamber_4-10-2019.pptx
4/11/2019 LSMPO_MD_Chamber_4-11-2019.pptx
4/16/2019 Ltr. to Lake Sumter MPO - Mayor Evelyn Wilson.pdf
4/16/2019 MPO Joint Certification - Part 1 FDOT District - Full Package_MW_MPO.pdf
4/13/2019 MPOAC Legislative update for 04-12-2019.pdf
4/16/2019 MPOAC_Galvano.2019.pdf
4/10/2019 North Lake Trail Presentation_April 2019.pdf
4/23/2019 north lake trail-presentation_LSMPO_201904.mp4
4/22/2019 Pooled Cash through 3-31.pdf
4/2/2019 Reports A. 1 FDOT April Report.pdf
4/16/2019 Reports A. 2 2019-04-03 FDOT- Turnpike Construction Status Report.pdf
4/10/2019 Reports A. 5 Sumter County Updates for April 2019.pdf
4/3/2019 Reports G. LSMPO_ Report_April_2019.pdf
4/2/2019 RLR Presentation for LSMPO Board Meeting on 4-24-2019.pdf
4/2/2019 RLR Presentation for LSMPO CAC on Meeting 4-10-2019.pdf
4/2/2019 RLR Presentation for LSMPO TAC Meeting on 4-10-2019.pdf
4/17/2019 RLR- Newsletter No. 4 (April 2019).pdf
8/24/2017 Sorrento Avenue Concept Plan - 2015-09-09.pdf
4/2/2019 Tab 1 Item A. February 27, 2019 Governing Board Minutes.pdf
4/22/2019 Tab 1 Item B Resolution 2019-2 FY 18-19 Budget Amendment_dj.pdf
4/22/2019 Tab 1 Item B Worksheet FY 2019 Budget to Actual.pdf
3/18/2019 Tab 1 Item C MPO Amend Agreement.pdf
4/10/2019 Tab 1 Item D. Draft TMS Budget FY 19-20.pdf
4/16/2019 Tab 1. Item F. HDR Agreement.pdf
4/16/2019 Tab 1. Item F. HDR_KHA_WSP_Agreements (1).pdf
4/16/2019 Tab 1. Item F. Kimley Horn Agreement.pdf
4/16/2019 Tab 1. Item F. WSP Agreement.pdf
4/22/2019 Tab 2 Financial Report for April 24th meeting .pdf