c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/MPO/_AgendaItems/February 2019/
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2/20/2019 2019-02-01 Lake Sumter Construction Status Report.pdf
2/20/2019 2019-1 18-19 through 19-20 UPWP_2.20.19_final.docx
2/20/2019 2019-1 18-19 through 19-20 UPWP_2.20.19_final.pdf
2/20/2019 Action Item Tab 2 1st Item (1) Letter.pdf
2/20/2019 Action Item Tab 2 Financial Report.pdf
2/20/2019 CAC 2019.pdf
1/14/2019 Consent Agenda Tab 1 A Dec 5 GB Minutes.pdf
2/20/2019 Consent Agenda Tab 1 B Amendment.pdf
2/8/2019 Economic Assessment of the Scenic Sumter Heritage Byway MPO Presentation 020819.pdf
2/19/2019 Lake Orange Connector - FINAL Lake Sumter MPO Board 022719.pdf
2/19/2019 Lake Orange Connector - FINAL Lake Sumter MPO Board 022719.pptx
2/19/2019 MPOAC Legislative update for 02-15-2019.pdf
2/4/2019 ScenicByway_Tourism_infographic_Facts with Personality.pdf
2/4/2019 ScenicByway_Tourism_infographic_Just the Facts.pdf
2/4/2019 SSHB Economic Assessment Exe Summary.pdf
1/30/2019 Written Reports 1. FDOT .pdf
2/6/2019 Written Reports 5 Lake Co.pdf
2/6/2019 Written Reports 5. Sumter Co.pdf
2/5/2019 Written Reports F TMS Report.pdf
2/20/2019 Written Reports G MPO Planning Area Project Report.pdf