c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/Procurement/21-0525 Villa City Road Project/
[To Parent Directory]
8/27/2021 01. SC Conflict of Interest Form 21-0525.pdf
9/1/2021 02. Selection Committee Raw Initial Scoring Sheets 21-0525 (PDF).pdf
6/23/2021 03. Selection Committee Initial Scoring 21-0525.pdf
8/25/2021 04. Shortlisted Firms 21-0525 (PDF).pdf
9/1/2021 05. Selection Committee Raw Final Scoring 21-0525 (PDF).pdf
8/23/2021 06. Selection Committee Final Scoring 21-0525 (PDF).pdf
8/25/2021 07. Final Ranking Sheet 21-0525 (PDF).pdf
8/31/2021 08. Proposal Forms - Burgess and Niple 21-0525.pdf
9/1/2021 09. Vendor Eligibility Form 21-0525 (PDF).pdf
9/1/2021 10. 447609-1 Villa City Design Estimate 05.14.2020 (PDF).pdf
9/1/2021 11. 447609-1 Villa City Cost Worksheet 09.01.2021 (PDF).pdf
9/1/2021 12. Villa City Safety Project Checklist (09.01.21).docx