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 Office of Emergency Management
Lake County, FL Emergency Management Hurricane Season - Hurricane Season Perperation Guides

Explore the online hurricane guide to learn more about what you can do to prepare for hurricane season. More >

The Lake County Office of Emergency Management coordinates with county, municipal, state and federal agencies to provide protection to lives and property from natural, technological and man-made disasters.

The office is responsible for developing and maintaining the Lake County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, and provides training and information to local agencies and residents on preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery issues.

During emergency situations, such as the threat of a hurricane, the aftermath of a tornado with widespread damage or terrorist event, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) would be activated. The EOC brings together key agencies in one room to facilitate sheltering of evacuees, search and rescue, law enforcement, debris removal and much more. The Office of Emergency Management also activates the citizen information lines to pass on critical information to concerned residents and visitors.

The Office of Emergency Management plays a key role in evacuating citizens who are in danger and registering those who need special medical attention or would require transportation to a shelter. For more information on the Special Needs Program, call 352-343-9420.

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