c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/Public_Works/Engineering/Whitewater Farms/
[To Parent Directory]
2/18/2021 2008 Drain 1 SWPP (1).pdf
2/21/2020 2011 Pavement evaluation of CR 44A.pdf
2/18/2021 2020 Submittal
8/5/2020 BCC 1.29.2019 Minutes_Blackwater Creek_Postponed.pdf
8/5/2020 BCC 2.26.2019 Minutes_Blackwater Creek_Denied.pdf
2/18/2021 CEMEX
6/11/2020 Cost Estimate Hart Ranch Road.pdf
6/11/2020 County Attorney Response ltr to Blackwater_6.5.2020.pdf
5/13/2020 County Letter.pdf
2/18/2021 Court Case
7/15/2020 CR 437 Pavement Evaluation Report.pdf
7/17/2020 CR 437 pavement near Blue Berry Farm 07.17.20.jpg
7/20/2020 Dump Trucks 2 on CR 437 near blueberry farm 07.17.20.jpg
7/20/2020 Dump Trucks 3 on CR 437 near blueberry farm 07.17.20.jpg
7/20/2020 Dump Trucks 4 on CR 437 near blueberry farm 07.17.20.jpg
7/20/2020 Dump Trucks 5 on CR 437 near blueberry farm 07.17.20.jpg
7/17/2020 Dump Trucks on CR 437 near blueberry farm 07.17.20.jpg
2/18/2021 Durastress Project Safari mine
2/18/2021 Email List
3/3/2020 Email regarding SJRWMD request for Blackwater to pull out of last submittal.pdf
2/18/2021 Fish Farm
2/18/2021 Fish Farm Mine
2/18/2021 Mine
7/17/2020 more Dump Trucks on CR 437 near blueberry farm 07.17.20.jpg
2/19/2021 Oelrich Contract
7/10/2020 Picture of tri axle dump truck with 18 yards of sand dumped.docx
2/18/2021 Plans
2/23/2021 Road Ops & Stormwater
3/3/2020 SJRWMD Letter to Jeff Cole regarding permit withdrawal request.pdf
3/6/2020 SJRWMD letter.pdf
2/18/2021 Traffic Count Speed and Class
2/19/2021 Walkabout Ranch
2/18/2021 Waterhole Drive Mine request
2/19/2021 White Water Farms