c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/PlanningZoningStaffReports/053117/
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5/16/2017 Tab 1 RZ-17-06-1 Charitable Ministry CFD Amedment.pdf
5/16/2017 Tab 2 RZ 17-04-4 Insight Christian Center CFD Rezoning.pdf
5/16/2017 Tab 3 RZ-17-05-5 Harmony Hills CFD Amendment.pdf
5/19/2017 Tab 4 FLU-17-01-2 Intersection SR 19 and CR 455 Rural Support Intersection.pdf
5/19/2017 Tab 5 CP-17-03 Naval Undersea Warfare Center Okahumpka Overlay District.pdf
5/19/2017 Tab 6 CP-17-04 Family Density Exception.pdf
5/19/2017 Tab 7 CP-17-5 Amendment to Policy 1-7.1-3 Existing Lot Exception for Density.pdf
4/21/2017 Tab 8 2017-XX Mt Plymouth-Sorrento CRA Design Standards.pdf