c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/MPO/2040LRTP/Model Update/
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3/11/2013 03-08-13 LSMPO Base Year ZDATA and Network Schedule Color.pdf
4/13/2012 1453_1454_Lake Sumter MPO TAZ Splits.pdf
4/16/2012 1661_Lake Sumter MPO TAZ Splits_red.pdf
4/13/2012 1679_1636_Lake Sumter MPO TAZ Splits.pdf
4/16/2012 1702_1703_Lake Sumter MPO TAZ Splits_red.pdf
6/21/2013 Base Year 2010_Data Summary.xlsx
10/14/2014 Base Year 2010_Data Summary.zip
5/18/2012 CFRPM60 TAZ Splits Draft 042512.xlsx
1/31/2013 CFRPM60_122112.mdb
4/15/2014 CFRPMv6_0_BYValidation_and_FY_Development_Schedule_020414.pdf
4/15/2014 Copy of Comparison of Data.xlsx
3/21/2014 Copy of LAUS2013.xls
3/21/2014 Copy of LFSjan1.xls
7/30/2012 Copy of stp60-mt5_spectab Brevard Marion Volusia.xlsx
7/30/2012 Copy of VOL_STP60.xlsx
7/30/2012 Copy of ZDATA1B_Variables and Definitions.xls
5/2/2014 Existing Sumter LOS Tables for Committees and Board.xls
7/30/2012 FW STP60 Workshop.msg
7/1/2019 InfoGroup08082013_V1.zip
6/21/2013 LakeSumter MPO Base Year 2010 Map Package.mpk
4/28/2016 LSMPO_2040_NET.kmz
4/28/2016 LSMPO_2040_NET.zip
7/1/2019 Regional Growth Comparison _1112014 (2).xlsx