c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/County Attorney/DEO vs. Rubin Groves of Clermont/PH #21-13-1 Rubin Groves PUD Amendment/BCC Folder/
[To Parent Directory]
1/14/2014 1-7-14 PZ minutes draft.docx
2/28/2014 2014-01-28_BCC_Regular_Meeting_Minutes_DRAFT.docx
2/28/2014 2014-01-28_BCC_Regular_Meeting_Minutes_DRAFT.pdf
3/23/2015 BCC Final Package
1/27/2014 BCC Presentation.docx
1/30/2014 Board Action 1-28-14.pdf
3/23/2015 DEO Appeal
1/21/2014 Mining Committee Minutes-June 28 2012 - Final - Ridge highlighted on page 6.docx
1/21/2014 Mining Committee Minutes-June 28 2012 - Final - Ridge highlighted on page 6.pdf
2/5/2014 PH #21-13-1 Rubin Groves PUD Amendment Approval Letter 2-05-14.docx
12/20/2013 PH#21-13-1 Rubin Groves PUD Amend Rezoning Map.jpg
1/14/2014 PH#21-13-2 Rubin Groves PUD Amend P&Z Minutes 1-07-2014 Only.pdf
2/13/2014 Recorded Copy Ordinance #2014-7 Rubin Groves PUD.pdf
2/5/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Amend BCC Approved Ord - CAO for Signatures.docx
2/5/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Amend BCC Approved Ord - CAO for Signatures.pdf
1/31/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Amend BCC DRAFT Approved Ord with GM Director Comments.docx
2/4/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Amend BCC DRAFT Approved Ord with review comments included.docx
1/31/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Amend BCC DRAFT Approved Ord.docx
1/15/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Amend Final_BCC_Ord.docx
1/15/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Amend Final_BCC_Ord.pdf
2/5/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Amendment Approval Letter 2-05-2014.pdf
1/26/2014 Rubin Groves PUD Preliminary Plat AR#2263 Approval Letter 9-12-2013.docx
1/14/2014 Rubin_Groves_PUD_Amend_DRAFT_Final_BCC_SR.docx
1/14/2014 Rubin_Groves_PUD_Amend_Final__BCC_SR.docx
1/14/2014 Rubin_Groves_PUD_Amend_Final__BCC_SR.pdf