Lake County, Florida

RFQ Q2023-00060
Title: LakeXpress Transfer Bus Passes 2023
Response Due Date: May 19, 2023, 3:00 p.m.
Contracting Officer: Gretchen Bechtel

Canada Ticket Inc. | Langley, WA Located in Lake County: No
Description Qty Unit Price Extended Price
Transfer Passes - 26 Variations from A to Z (7,200 of ea).) 187200 $0.0273 $5,110.56
H&M Printing, dba Magnolia Press | Sanford, FL Located in Lake County: No
Description Qty Unit Price Extended Price
Transfer Passes - 26 Variations from A to Z (7,200 of ea).) 187200 $0.0182 $3,407.04
Lawton Connect | Orlando, FL Located in Lake County: No
Description Qty Unit Price Extended Price
Transfer Passes - 26 Variations from A to Z (7,200 of ea).) 187200 $0.0195 $3,650.40

All entries are subject to verification.

P.O. BOX 7800 • 315 W. MAIN ST., TAVARES, FL 32778 • P 352.343.9839 • F 352.343.9473
Board of County Commissioners •