Tear-Off Bus Pass Size: 3.375" H x 2.125" W
Pages: 1 page; Double-sided
Colors: 5/4 (CMYK + PMS 875/CMYK) + Overall Satin
Varnish or Aqueous Coating (Please Specify when
Specialty Printing:
- Perforation for tear-off bus passes
- Sequential numbering on passes and
stubs attached to booklet to match
Bleeds: YES
Paper Stock: 100# Coated Gloss Cover, Smooth,
Binding: Ticket books in sets of 25 with a
cardboard backing and 1" wraparound on the
cover. (Like a notepad) Binding goes on the
top narrow edge. Stapled.
Packaging Instructions: Boxes need to be marked
with contents and quantities.
Quantities: We will be printing 4 different bus
pass designs, totaling 6,700. All to be
printed at the same time. See breakdown