Lake County, Florida


Commodity Code(s): 545-00, 765-00, 760-00, 518-410

Open Market Existing Contract
Original Modified
RFQ No: Q2025-00063
Due Date: 1/24/2025 at 3 p.m.
This RFQ is closed.
Pre-Proposal Conference: Not Applicable
Permitting/Licensing Required: No
RFQ Contact
Name: Gretchen Bechtel
Phone: (352) 343-9765
Email: [email protected]
Terms and conditions governing this quotation are attached hereto. Insurance requirements, if applicable, are also attached hereto as part of this document. As this price request constitutes an inquiry, and not an order, it implies no obligation to purchase on the part of Lake County.

Short Term Lease of Heavy Equipment for Solid Waste

All prices submitted are to be on the form below in accordance with all terms and conditions set forth in this Request for Quotation. Prices quoted should be in unit of measure shown. Any award resulting from this RFQ will be made to the responsive, responsible vendor which offers the lowest price on an item basis. If award is noted to be made on an aggregate basis, any vendor response that fails to include pricing for all items may be rejected. Per Section 287.05701, Florida Statutes, the County will not request documentation of or consider a vendor's social, political, or ideological interests when determining if the vendor is a responsible vendor.

Prices shall be quoted F.O.B. Destination – inside delivery, freight included and shall be inclusive of all costs. Current and/or anticipated applicable fuel costs should be considered and included in the price quoted.

Delivery of items is to be within 7 days after any purchase order is issued.

Supporting Documents

Below are supporting documents that have been added to this RFQ. Please be sure to review these documents prior to responding to this RFQ.

DescriptionDetailsQuantityUnit of MeasureUnit PriceExtended Price
Total Group A - Daily Rental Rate

Short term lease (less than 24 mo) Daily rental rate.  Enter Total Group A - Daily Rental

1Total Group A - Daily Rate $______________ $______________
Total Group A - Monthly Rental Rate

 Short term lease (less than 24 mo) Monthly rental rate.  Enter Total Group A - Monthly Rental

1Total Group A - Monthly Rate $______________ $______________
Total Group A - Weekly Rental Rate

 Short term lease (less than 24 mo) Weekly rental rate.  Enter Total Group A - Weekly Rental

1Total Group A - Weekly Rate $______________ $______________
Total Price: ___________________________

Specifications and/or Special Conditions

RFQ to provide for a vendor pool for short term lease of various heavy equipment as needed for the Office of Solid Waste.  Vendor shall provide for the short term lease (less than 24 mo) of heavy equipment.  Equipment shall be durable for the intended use and reinforced to prevent damage to various parts of the machine.  Attachment 2 - Pricing Sheet provides for the list of various heavy equipment. Vendors shall provide pricing in the applicable boxes for only the equipment that is available to lease.  Vendors may provide pricing for one or all items to be considered for award.

Addendum No. 1

  1. Can items be in “good rental condition” rather than “new”?
    1. Exhibit A – Scope of Work, paragraph 2, first sentence shall be modified to: The equipment shall be in good rental condition, of current productions year and model, with manufacturer standard operating equipment, and durable for the intended use of operation.
  2. Will the County be responsible for the damage of equipment while on lease and in their possession? Not limited to operator error, fire, theft or vandalism.
    1. Refer to Exhibit A – Scope of Work, Sections 5.2 and 8.3
  3. Is the County self-insured?
    1. Refer to Exhibit A – Scope of Work, Section 5.3

  Addendum No. 2

Q4. We are working to submit the documents for the above RFQ but have one question about the Price Redetermination Consideration listed on the Pricing Sheet. My corporate office thinks this is something internal that the county will fill out since it’s asking for information that we are not privy to, e,g, Cost of Fuel, Cost of Wages, Cost of Materials. Is this correct?

R4. Price redetermination is based on and pertains to increases on fuels, wages, and materials.  It’s asking what percentage of each item (fuel, wages, materials) is the basis of your entity expenditure.  Since this solicitation is based on rental/lease rates, this would not apply. Please leave this area blank. 

Ship and Bill To:

Office Of Solid Waste
P. O. BOX 7800
Tavares, FL 32778

Certain insurance requirements apply to any purchase in response to this RFQ: No

If "yes" is specified above, the specific requirements are described within this RFQ. The vendor selected for award must provide a Certificate of Insurance that clearly complies with the stated insurance requirements prior to issuance of any purchase order. Failure to do so within the requested timeframe (five (5) working days under otherwise noted) may be cause for rejection of that vendor's response.




I acknowledge and agree to abide by all conditions contained in this quotation as well as any special instruction sheet(s) if applicable. Payment terms 30 Days from receipt of materials and/or services and receipt of a proper invoice; delivery FOB Destination – Inside Delivery.

Company Name ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________________
Address ____________________________________

Name/Title ____________________________________
Phone ____________________________________ Fax ____________________________________
Email ____________________________________ FEIN No _______-______________________ Date: ___________
Prompt payment discount: ______% if paid within ______ days.

Reciprocal Vendor Preference

Vendors are advised the County has established, under Lake County Code, Chapter 2, Article VII, Sections 2-221 and 2-222; a process under which a local vendor preference program applied by another county may be applied in a reciprocal manner within Lake County. The following information is needed to support application of the Code

Primary Business Location: City: _____________________________ State: ________
Does this business maintain a significant physical location in Lake County at which employees are located and business is regularly transacted? _____Yes _____No
If "yes", provide supporting detail:

