Details for Bid Number: 24-500
Changes & Addendums
The County may issue changes (addendum) to the solicitation documents. Proposers are responsible for checking this site for any addendum prior to submitting their proposals. Proposals that do not acknowledge the addenda may be rejected. Addendum and another other electronic documents can be found under the "Bid Documents" section.
For questions concerning this project, please contact the Contracting Officer listed below by e-mail or telephone.
Installation of Basketball Court, Concrete Bleacher Pad and, ADA Concrete Sidewalk for Astor Lions Park
Response Deadline 1/23/2024 3:00:00 PM
Not Awarded
Project Description
The purpose of this solicitation is to solicit competitive sealed submittals to furnish Basketball Court, Sidewalks, Bleacher Pad for Astor Lions Park for Lake County, Florida.
Bid/RFP Number: 24-500
Department: Procurement Services
Preconference: MANDATORY - Refer to Section 3.0
Agenda Item Number:
Contracting Officer
Amy Munday
[email protected]
(352) 343-9768
Special Notes
Lake County has implemented a Solicitation Management Portal. All responses to Lake County’s solicitations are required to be submitted at the link below unless specifically stated otherwise in the solicitation document.