c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/MPO/SafeAccess/SafeAccess_webDVDs_backup20151216/LSMPO_SAS_P3_Pi2/Umatilla Schools (Fall 2012)/Doug's Photos/
[To Parent Directory]
2/17/2016 11-15-12 (Umatilla High School Preview)
2/17/2016 11-15-12 (Umatilla Middle School Preview)
2/17/2016 11-7-12 (Umatilla Elementary Preview)
2/17/2016 For Renderings and Graphics
2/17/2016 LakeXpress - Old Stop Location
2/17/2016 LakeXpress Bus
2/17/2016 LakeXpress New Stop - New Shelter
2/17/2016 Newer sidewalks - Umatilla
2/17/2016 Other Unsafe Issues
2/17/2016 Potential Projects - Safe Access Study
2/17/2016 SR 19 - Extra parking
2/17/2016 SR 19-Bulldog Ln Intersection and Crossing Guards
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - Bike Racks
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - Bus Loop
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - Front Pics (Report Cover)
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - On-Campus Improvements
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - Parent Drop-off and Pick-up
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - Principals
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - Safety Awareness on Sign
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - School Zone Signs
2/17/2016 Umatilla Elementary School - Walkers
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Bicyclists
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Bus Loop Exits
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Front Pics (Report Cover)
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Issues at McDonald's
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Lack of Sidewalks - and Walkers and Bicyclists
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Parent Drop-off and Pick-up
1/14/2015 Umatilla High School - Principals (NEED TO GET)
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Student Parking Exits
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Unsafe Issues
2/17/2016 Umatilla High School - Walkers (Including On-Campus walking)
2/17/2016 Umatilla Library - used as Off-campus drop-off location (UHS and UMS)