c.lakecountyfl.gov - /FTP/County Attorney/DEO vs. Rubin Groves of Clermont/PH #21-13-1 Rubin Groves PUD Amendment/
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3/23/2015 BCC Folder
7/31/2014 DEO vs Lake County and Rubin Groves - Order of Abeyance.pdf
8/5/2014 DEP amended order of abeyance dtd 7-30-14.pdf
3/23/2015 Drafts & Support Documents
1/28/2014 email from the Alliance to Protect Water Resources.msg
3/23/2015 Maps & Pictures
1/17/2014 Memo of Law - Mining Issue.pdf
3/23/2015 P&Z Folder
3/23/2015 Public Hearing Notice